In the Adventist Church, deacons and deaconesses hold important roles in supporting the spiritual and practical needs of the congregation. Deacons are typically responsible for tasks related to the physical aspects of worship services, such as ushering, maintaining order, and assisting with communion. They contribute to the smooth flow of church services and ensure a welcoming environment.
Deaconesses, on the other hand, play a crucial role in ministering to the needs of women and children within the church community. They may be involved in organizing events, providing assistance to those facing challenges, and nurturing a sense of community among female members. Deaconesses often serve as spiritual mentors and caregivers, fostering a supportive and nurturing atmosphere within the church.
Both deacons and deaconesses are dedicated to service, reflecting the Adventist commitment to a holistic approach to ministry that addresses both the spiritual and practical aspects of individuals' lives within the faith community.
Assistant and Head Deacon: Nigel Gauntlett and Gisrael Sutherland