Letter to the "Fayettefuls"

Dear Church Family,


I write to inform you of the Ordination and Induction Service held on Sabbath, January 18, 2025, in the Multi-Purpose Building. Many of you were in attendance, so you know all the happenings. However, for those who missed this special service, I would like to share a synopsis of the program, held during the divine service.


Our guest speaker was Pastor Neil Reid, Ministerial Director from Georgia Cumberland Conference. His topic was: “God’s Letter to Fayette”. As he delivered his sermon he charged all elected officers of the Fayette Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Fairburn Fountain of Life, and the Hispanic Congregation to serve with humility; not to let our positions get to our head. Moreover, he spent the greater part of his sermon reminding those who were not elected officers to support and encourage those who serve because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.  The key takeaway from the sermon was: “Fayette Church is the church of the lighted lamp. Bring your own light even if you are not an elected officer.”



However, the highlight of the day was the Ordination Service in which Jonathan Olivo, Associate Pastor of the Fayette Seventh-day Adventist Church was ordained as a pastor. Three deaconesses and three deacons were also ordained: Kim Barnes, Janet Largie, Andrene Shaw, Everton Darby, Leroy Beckford, and Samuel Edwards.  During Pastor Reid’s sermon, he charged us to receive these ordinands in a similar way that Paul implored the church to receive Phoebe in Romans 16. 

(1) I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, (2) that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.

Romans 16:1-2

After the sermon, the ordinands and the officers repeated their respective litany under the direction of Pastors Harvey and Reid. Certificates and special gifts were then presented by Stacy Harvey and Michelle Gauntlet to the ordinands and their spouses after which Pastor Harvey offered the prayer of consecration. My dear brothers and sisters much more could be written about the events of January 18, 2025, but I must close this letter and bid you goodbye. Blessings.

Faithfully Yours,

Michelle Thompson


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